Maintaining good oral health is essential to every person. It is one step to achieving over all good health. This fact that good health and oral health go together is unknown to many people. If a person has a poor oral hygiene, bacteria tend to enter the mouth and go to the bloodstream. When a person has gum disease or other oral problems, he is prone to infections and chronic illnesses because his immune system weakens.
Yes, it is not only for smiling, talking and eating, our mouth and teeth are important. Good oral health is one key to have great general health. Here are the keys to have good oral health. First, try to avoid chewing tobacco or smoking. These are not only dangerous to your respiratory system and over all health but also to your oral health. Tobacco is the major reason of tooth loss because of gum diseases. You can have treatment with your doctor to make you stop smoking, thus beginning to make your teeth and gums healthy.
Next, you have to practice good oral hygiene. Yes, that refers to the brushing and flossing of teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft bristle and using fluoride toothpaste.Make sure you are brushing all the sides of your teeth including the gum line. Fluoride removes plaque and bacteria build up that cause cavities and gum disease. Also, floss after eating meals. It cleans the in between of teeth and the teeths surface.
Check your mouth habitually. When you brush your teeth especially before sleeping, give generous time in inspecting your teeth and mouth. Look if your mouth has signs of gum disease. The signs are bleeding of gums when brushing or flossing, bad breath, and red, puffy and sore gums. If you have found one sign, consult Bartlett TN dentists or your own dentist.
Next step is to eat healthy foods. The nutrients you get from healthy foods like fruits and vegetables are helpful in fighting cavities and gum disease. Lessen your intake of sugar because sugar combines with bacteria and produces destructive acids. If you have cavities already, go to a Bartlett TN dentist and have a treatment to prevent it from getting worst.
Last step towards good oral health is to regularly visit your dentist for check ups or cleanings. Bartlett TN dentists are reliable when it comes to .