For correcting faults in teeth, or filling up gaps between the teeth, dental veneers or porcelain veneers can be a very simple cosmetic solution. Who doesn’t want to flash beautiful looking teeth when they smile! To obtain that beautiful natural looking smile, a porcelain veneer set by a dentist Glasgow can be one of the best options. They are nothing but ceramic porcelain shells, wafer thin in size, which help in covering teeth.
Do veneers suit everyone?
Veneers may not suit everyone as there are some exceptions when it comes to the procedure and result. A dentist in Glasgow first conducts necessary examinations after which it is decided whether porcelain veneers will suit the patient or not. Teeth need to be in a certain predetermined condition only, to get the veneers Glasgow fixed. If the teeth are not aligned properly, cracked, chipped, have undergone bonding before and are now discolored, or if they are stained or discolored naturally, porcelain veneers are used. In other words if there are imperfections of any kind, then this is one of the best procedures followed by the dentist in Glasgow.
There are many dental conditions where porcelain veneers cannot be placed on teeth. They are not suitable for teeth that are not healthy, having gum diseases, decayed, not having a proper structure, lack of enamel etc. A dentist Glasgow is the best person to decide whether this treatment can be adopted or not. You can ask the dentist in Glasgow necessary details as to how much time this treatment will take and accordingly you can decide when to go to the dentist. Usually two sessions are necessary to place porcelain veneers effectively. From the front of the teeth, a small quantity of tooth enamel is first removed, on which the veneers are then placed. The procedure requires skill and the providers in Glasgow have all of it.
Why veneers?
The main aim of the dentist in Glasgow is to ensure that the original size of the tooth or teeth is retained. A mould is created or impression is taken from which the veneers of porcelain are then made. When you are called for the second session the veneers are placed on the teeth and the dentist checks whether the color of the artificial covering on the tooth matches the color of the rest of the teeth. There is also a choice of getting all the teeth coated with veneers which helps in giving a lustrous look to the teeth and the face when you smile! A special kind of light is used to fix the veneers.