Dental Tips

When you go in for your regular dental check up every few months, your dentist and hygienist also screen you for any signs of oral cancer. This is a serious dental disease that can affect the mouth, lips or throat.

It is often highly curable disease if diagnosed and treated in the early stages, but still someone dies of oral cancer in the United States every hour of every day. To prevent this terrible disease from affecting you, avoid tobacco use and visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and screenings.

Another serious oral disease is Gum disease, which not only affects the mouth, but can take a toll on the entire body. It is one of the main causes of tooth loss in adults and has also been linked to heart disease and strokes.

Gum disease is caused by gingivitis, which, if diagnosed and treated in its early stages, can be treated and reversed. If treatment is not received, however, a more serious and advanced stage of gum disease, called Periodontitis, may follow.

Periodontitis cannot be reverses, and may take serious effects on the body, such as bone loss. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and getting regular dental check-ups and cleanings are the best prevention against gum disease.

Going to the dentist regularly for check-ups & cleanings is one of the most important factors in maintaining good oral health. Having a professional take care of your teeth can help prevent cavities, root canals, gum disease, oral cancer, and other dental conditions.

Many people wait until it is too late, and their problem is too advanced for dentists to do anything that can truly fix the problem. Visit and consult with your dentist often so you can prevent problems before they happen.

Brushing your teeth twice a day, every day helps keep away the plaque that causes cavities. When you brush your teeth properly you are removing the soft and sticky substance that accumulates on the teeth from food debris and bacteria.

Plaque is that soft and sticky substance, and is not only found on the surface of your teeth, but in the small crevices between your teeth as well. Flossing daily will remove the plaque from in between the teeth that the toothbrush cannot reach.

Bad breath is not just a problem when it comes to socializing, but can also be a sign of an oral problem. About 85% of people with persistent bad breath have a dental condition that is to blame.

If bad breath is the cause of a dental condition, mouthwash will only mask the odor and not cure it. Flossing daily and brushing your teeth & tongue twice a day can greatly reduce and possibly eliminate bad breath and prevent problems like gum disease.

What you put into your mouth greatly affects your oral health. The sugars from soft drinks and non-nutritional foods combine with the bacteria in our mouths which produces acids that attack tooth enamel.

When the enamel on your teeth is gone, you are likely to get cavities and/or gum disease. Limiting the amount of beverages and foods that are high in sugar can greatly help to maintain good dental health.

If your dentist suggests some sort of treatment for your mouth or teeth, you should follow his advice. Ignoring his counsel will only make the problems get worse, and the drastic treatments down the road will be even more painful and expensive.

Problems like cavities only get bigger if ignored, and may even get big enough to reach the nerve in your tooth. If this happens your only options would be to have a root canal or have the tooth extracted; both of which could be very painful.

Some people think that having good dental health takes too much effort, but it is really quite easy if you get into a good routine. Seeing your dentist for regular dental check-ups and cleanings, brushing twice a day, flossing daily and eating a nutritional diet are the key factors in having healthy teeth and gums. .tags


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